‘Train-the-trainer’ for Hansken for advanced users

On September 7th, the Hansken Academy organized a one-day ‘train-the-trainer’ session for the Hansken Advanced Training course. This is the most advanced course, aimed at experienced users who have already completed the Hansken Fundamentals course and the Hansken Intermediate course.

Hansken Academy

The 'train-the-trainer' session was attended by two trainers from the National Police Academy and one from DataExpert, who will be training advanced FIOD Hansken users. They were given an introduction to the nearly 200-page student workbook and a 95-page teaching guide. The Hansken Academy developed the course materials based on workshops held in 2021. The student workbook comprises 9 modules, with a combination of theory and practical exercises regarding advanced Hansken topics, such as the Expert UI, the Hansken trace model, the Hansken Query Language and visualization.

The exercises are based on the Crystal Clear case data available in the online Hansken training environment. During the course, students are challenged to discover the full scenario, using advanced search techniques. The Hansken Academy has started translating the workbook and teacher guide into English for international Hansken community members.