Community Days

Manual Hansken Community Portal - about the set up of your account and the way of working

Within the Hansken Community we work together as colleagues. But working at different organisations. At Hansken, we have several ways to connect. Besides all our Hansken events and contact moments, we therefore also provide the Hansken Community Portal.

The Hansken Portal is a virtual place where we share information, questions, documentation, new developments, ideas and experiences in the world of digital forensics (no case information!!).

If you have an account, you can directly go to the Hansken Portal.

How to get an account

In this document you find a manual to set up your Portal-account. The Portal is developed for Hansken licensed Law Enforcement Partners only. You don't have an account yet? Please contact your Hansken business owner within your own organisation or contact the Hansken Team via our contactform.

And how to work with the Hansken Portal

The Portal can bring you a lot if you know your way around. This manual explains in short how the Portal works, where you can find information and the basic house rules that we use.