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  • Date -
  • Time
  • Location Scott-Bates Commons Conference Center, Baltimore

The DFRWS USA 2023 conference will be held in cooperation with Johns Hopkins University and hosted at Scott-Bates Commons Conference Center.

DFRWS is a non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to bringing together everyone with a legitimate interest in digital forensics to address the emerging challenges of our field. DFRWS organizes digital forensic conferences, challenges, and international collaboration to help drive the direction of research and development.

DFRWS Baltimore

Ultimately, it is the goal of DFRWS to cultivate transdisciplinary coproduction of knowledge that stimulates healthy growth in this rapidly evolving field. It is notable that many novel developments in the field have their roots in works and breakout sessions at DFRWS conferences. As such, DFRWS conferences are not only a snapshot of the state of the research in the field, but are also a useful pointer towards the future.

DFRWS USA 2023 in Baltimore

The DFRWS USA 2023 conference will be held form July 9 unitl Julyt 12th, in cooperation with Johns Hopkins University and hosted at Scott-Bates Commons Conference Center. View the entire program.

Hansken and MITRE present Code Notebook workshop at the DFRWS

At the DFRWS in Baltimore, Harm van Beek, senior digital forensic scientist at the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI), Mattijs Ugen, Forensic Data Engineer at the NFI and Quintin Walters, a Cyber Operations Engineer at the MITRE Corporation, will present the workshop 'Providing digital forensics as a service with code notebooks'.

In this joint workshop, you will experience how easy it can be to develop programming solutions for processing, visualizing and reporting data under investigation and share these solutions across investigators, cases and organizations.