06 November National GGP-day - Dutch police

Attention: the activity has already taken place

Activities data

  • Date
  • Time -
  • Location HH Hotel The Leeuwenhorst, Noordwijkerhout

The 'Landelijke GGP-dag' (gebiedsgebonden politie) is a day for Dutch tactical investigators. It will be held in Noordwijk, the day before the Dex-XL. This latter is the annual two-day conference for digital experts of the Dutch police.

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Hansken @GGPday

The GGP-day will be held for the second time and Hansken will be present with a booth to demo the platform to the (potential) tactical users. You can find us at booth number 9 in the expo-room. Visit us and do the Hansken Challenge to see how the platform can help you in your investigation!