07 November DEX-XL 2023

Attention: the activity has already taken place

Activities data

  • Date -
  • Time -
  • Location NH Hotel De Leeuwenhorst, Noordwijkerhout

Join us during the Dex-XL on 7th and 8th November at the NH Leeuwenhorst in Noordwijkerhout! The Dex is a great conference organized by the larger law enforcement departments in the Netherlands (Dutch police, FIOD, KMar, NFI), where all relevant current developments will be presented and where we will have a great opportunity to engage with the Hansken digital experts and users.

Hansken DEX-XL 2023

Hansken @DEX-XL

What is Hansken working on? What added value does Hansken provide? Visit us at the Dex-XL 7 and 8 November and find out! We will present Hansken from multiple points of view.

1. 'ChatGPT as a co-pilot for Hansken' - by Harm van Beek and Edwin Rijgersberg

The focus of the presentation lies on a better understanding of the interaction between AI/IA and human capabilities. Hans Henseler, senior scientific advisor digital forensics at the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI), presented the paper ‘ChatGPT as a Copilot for Investigating Digital Evidence’ that he published together with Harm van Beek (NFI).

2. More about visualizing trace relations - by Pim de Vries

The finding of relationships between traces adds significant value to investigations. And how amazing is it to be able to fully visualize this? This can result in new insights on the case investigation and evidence. As a result, work has begun on an entirely new application in Hansken: displaying track relationships using Neo4j. Visit this inspiration session to learn more about how this can benefit you.

3. 'Hansken. Gewoon op je eigen PC.' - By Harm van Beek

Hansken is an open platform for digital forensics. This means, among other things, that Hansken is not a closed system and that users can expand Hansken and integrate it with other systems. The Hansken SDK (system development kit) contains all documentation, examples and a Hansken academic run-time version that can be installed on a single machine so that researchers and developers can experiment with Hansken. The workshop explains how to get the Hansken SDK, how to install it and a number of basic principles such as working with Hansken.py and Hansken extraction plugins.

4. Hansken demo and the Hansken Challenge - ongoing in the Hansken booth

Visit the Hansken booth at the expo! Booth number 9, next to the coffee corner. There will be plenty of Hansken Community members present to explain everything about (new) Hansken features. Or do the Hansken Challenge in 5 minutes to see how the platform can help you in your investigation.

DEX-XL = fully booked

It is not possible anymore to register; the DEX-XL is fully booked.