19 June Interpol Digital Forensic Expert Group (DFEG) 2024

Attention: the activity has already taken place

Activities data

  • Date -
  • Location Napier University, Edinburgh

Craiglockheart Campus, Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

After the successful 8th Digital Forensics Expert Group meeting in Kuala Lumpur, the next one will be hosted in Edinburgh, Scotland for three days from 19 to 21 June 2024. Each day will consist of discussions and presentations, live training and workshops. Hansken will provide the keynote speech.

Interpol DFEG 2024

AI and Hansken - a keynote

Opening the DFEG, Hans Henseler will present a keynote speech introducing and demonstrating the creation of an AI co-pilot in Hansken. Hansken is an open digital forensic platform, developed by the Netherlands Forensic Institute, that is used by a growing number of law enforcement organizations around the world. Together we want to strengthen the platform and keep up with international developments. The optimized use of AI in this process is crucial.

Topics during the DFEG

The previous DFEG sessions explored a variety of fundamental digital forensics topics. Among others, particular focus was dedicated to the following subjects:

  1. The use of open-source tools for investigations in member countries.
  2. Case studies and potential applications of emerging technologies (e.g. forensics 3D imaging, blockchain, internet of things, CCTV forensics).
  3. Best practices for digital forensic procedures and tools (e.g. unmanned vehicle forensics, IoT network traffic analysis, frontline forensics, intrusion forensics).
  4. New developments in the area of new and emerging technologies and their effect on digital forensics (e.g. artificial intelligence, cloud, etc.).
  5. Discussion of different sub-fields of digital forensics, address challenges, and new developments among experts and practitioners from academia, law enforcement, and the industry to ensure closer collaboration between industry, academia and law enforcement agencies.
  6. Cooperation among INTERPOL directorates working in the area of digital forensics and in collaboration with public and private sectors. 
  7. Promotion of innovative solutions in the area of digital forensics (e.g. cloud forensics, automated evidence process, forensic analysis of smartwatches, social media forensics, ASINT, dark web investigation).
  8. Introduction of new tools and projects for investigation assistance (Quintilian Project).
  9. Support for the creation of a strong digital forensic experts network based on trust and mutual cooperation.


 The INTERPOL Innovation Centre (IC) recognizes the importance of providing forums for experts to exchange ideas, discuss challenges and provide an environment to encourage collaboration and the exchange of innovative insights.
For this reason, the INTERPOL IC decided to organize annually a global Digital Forensics Expert Group (DFEG) meeting open to practitioners from law enforcement, and government agencies and invited digital forensic companies and academic institutions. The meeting has provided a space for networking, sharing experiences, and updates on new technologies and techniques in digital forensics.

Since 2016, the meeting has become a major forum, attended by hundreds of participants from all over the world and it has been aimed to fulfil three main fundamental objectives:

1) Share and discuss current challenges and best practices for law enforcement agencies (LEAs) in the area of digital forensics.

2) Strengthen the network of digital forensic experts to create an environment that facilitates expert knowledge sharing.

3) Expand participants’ knowledge and understanding regarding challenges and best practices of the dynamic field of digital forensics.