The Hansken Academic Network
Next to the Community with our Hansken partners, we work with the Hansken Academic Network. This collaboration with academic institutes is of great value to Hansken. We aim to share knowledge and ideas about the developments within the field of digital forensics.
Academia can obtain a R&D license which includes an academic version of the Hansken platform. They can use this version for scientific research and test their own ideas for Hansken. In return they use Hansken in their educational digital forensic programs and grant Hansken Community members a license to use their Hansken R&D results.
Hansken internships
To strengthen the connection between students and the future in Hansken, there are possibilities to join the Hansken Team via an internship. This means students can practically work together with developments on new features in Hansken, pitch and implement their own ideas, get in touch with partners and/or do research in the field of digital forensics. There are several directions
Are you interested in doing an intership @Hansken?
The Hansken Team is open to new ideas, but we also have a list of possible subjects and projects that can be joined by students. Several ideas for internship assignments can be found in the sub pages (see navigation above). The Hansken Team has its residence at the Netherlands Forensic Institute in The Hague.
When you would like to get in touch with the team, you can find us via the Hansken contact form.